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General terms


By using the facilities of this website you are accepting the current terms and conditions for using this website. reserves the right to change the content of the site and to make changes to the terms and conditions without any notice. cannot be held responsible for loss of profit due to downtime, website errors or other factors. has no legal responsibilities for uploaded profile material such as pictures, sound- and video clips, text information etc. The full responsibility for retrieving the rights to the uploaded material of any kind lies with the voice talents. is a service driven by the company SpeakOnline in Denmark. All services from are therefore according to the Danish laws.

Any use of data from this website is entirely restricted to demo use for the promotion of the voices on the published profiles. Using the data in any other way - by copy and use of meta-tags, text material, sound and video demos, logo and other graphic material etc., is prohibited, without a prior written agreement with

Voice talents:

Keeping a profile as a voice talent is free. Should the user desire to increase his/her standard data capacity on the profile page though, it is possible to expand this for upload of own demo files in exchange for an annual fee. Within the users own profile at it is possible to change the type of the wanted subscription. If an annual payment subscription is chosen, it is the voice talents own duty to ensure renewal of payment on expiry of the subscription. By missing renewal of subscription all data exceeding the quota of data capacity will be erased without further notice.

If the user regrets the subscription prior to the expiry of the period there will be no refunds.

Establishing a profile as voice artist is to be perceived as an application for entry in the database of reserves the right to keep but not to show profiles public without any further reason.

By signing up with the voice artist at the same time accept exposure on and on other websites for the purpose of casting / resale of the voice.

No voice talents profile may contain e-mail addresses, links, names (besides first name), logos or other that directly or indirectly can identify the person behind the profile. This however does not apply to named fields in the system, which however must be filled out.

It is the users own responsibility always to keep his/her profile updated with correct contact info and email address and to whitelist the domain i his/her own spam policy. does not pass on / sell email addresses and other personal information to Third Party.

Demoes, uploaded in the database, are not allowed to contain racist, extremist, pornographic or other offensive content.

All uploaded demos will be reviewed separately prior to release. reserve the right to delete demos or other contents in i diverse profiles without further justification.

After any correction of voice talents own profile this will become inactive until the corrections have been approved by This however does not apply to calendar changes.

The users of always carry the full responsibility for backing up their own data. cannot be made accountable for loss of data or the like.

Any registered voice talent commit themselves to keeping the calendar function”up-to-date”. Any prospective travel activity or other witch affects the possibility of making recordings within two working days must be registered under the profiles calendar function.